That was a work of sheer genius...
Such delicate, subtle threads, perfectly interwoven. Even each one of the numerous rectangular sections formed were equal in size... I actually tried counting those tiny geometrical excellence. Like a GMAT problem.
The scenario in fact was something like this...
After mom has finished her tenth recital of our daily sacred chants regarding how useless I have turned out lately and how cleverly I manage to skip those daily duties assigned to me; I finally decided to abide this time.
Our 'Bai' being on leave, I was supposed to handle the balcony section in our clean up mission. Taking charge with that broom in one hand the first thing I encountered was this fully woven octa-, no deca-, no even more than that- hedral spider web in its full integrity. My immediate instinct was to do away with it in a single stroke of broom, but something held me back.
It was not like those half built half destroyed kinds we encounter most of the times and consider inauspicious, but it was complete in its actual geometric form. I could not help getting amazed...
It has happened to me previously. This time it turned out to be a spider but otherwise it could have been a disciplined row of ants, some conspicuous nest of perhaps not so conspicuous bird, those cuddly plays of puppies, enchanting motion of fish in the tank, or even for that matter few wild trees growing naturally and forming beautiful patterns on their own...
These ever charming life forms surrounding us somehow always perplex me.
These are treasures of simple joy.
That radiant green of plants is so assuring! I almost start feeling suffocated in places devoid of that hue. Even a well furnished royal room is so dull without a potted plant of some kind. A twinkle of liveliness emerges in the surrounding with these green gestures.
And the cherry on the top is a Fluffy, Rocky, Bruno or Lucy, Pussy, Kitty etc. in their full swing jumping or just loitering in that green shadow. It just completes the picture, bringing along a homely contentment.
Few occasions have become so much associated with such things that mind just cant imagine life without such forms.
We relate first monsoon breeze with clouds,lightning, and that divine scent from clay. But whats all this without that rhythmic "dur daraw dur" going on in nearby ponds? Sometimes in chorus, or else solo.
And if you have ever keenly noticed it, among many stereotypes, there exists most of the times a single special voice. A bit low pitched but more intense. Coming at almost regular interval. Ah! What a magic flavor it adds to that already enchanting atmosphere.
We have all kinds of people entering our house through the door. But few special guests are those who prefer the window instead. Few invited and others self invited. Later chiefly involving those pigeons! For many years now they are trying to use our window grill as their maternity home,and previously even have become successful for few perpetuating generations.
And that crow, ever respected as a form of one of our ancestors, has its fixed breakfast and lunch timings at our kitchen window. Like a royal guest he receives his offerings with an aristocratic face. . .
This was around our stereotype mumbaian flat, but we have got a second home also, near our native place. After that house was built, we tried to cultivate a small garden. Irrespective of all the neglect between our occasional visits, it survived. And when our plants flowered for the first time, the heart was over flooded with joy. But when I saw those butterflies fluttering around, as if bringing nature's approval, it was sheer exaltation.
We can never say which things will matter for us and to what extent during different phases of life, but these fluttering, jumping, sprouting, blossoming things always surround us. Busy in their own world, often unnoticed by us, yet always amazing!
When life starts getting dull, just have a look around...
There are plenty of them, ready to entertain!